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Project by Valeria and Emily :)

Writer's picture: Valeria Dominguez :)Valeria Dominguez :)

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

Project (full screen):

Project (code visible):

Our Flow Chart:


In our code, you'll be able to see a story progressing. As the scene is displayed with a light blue sky and a bright sun. As you move over the screen, you'll see a bee following your mouse as you explore and observe this beautiful barn. The beautiful green grass that is beautifully topped with a row of flowers. Nature is beautifully captured as well as the cow that is casually in front of the barn, the farmers are inside their house which they usually don't leave until night time. At night time you will no longer see a light blue sky, you'll see a dark pastel blue color take over the sky. The bright bee is replaced with a bat that only appears at night. In the countryside you're able to observe stars more so we get to see a beautiful rows of stars take over the night sky. The people within the barn will open their windows and doors to be able to witness this shower of stars.

The size of our canvas was (600,400) and before began to go more into the code, we had to call the variables we were going to use which were b,c, speed, and mouse = false. In the Draw Function we had to call all our functions and add the if statement for our animation. The Barn function draws our barn using a rectangle and a triangle, it also uses rectangles for the windows and doors. We included a If statement with the mouseIsPressed to mix up our scene, when the mouse is pressed the barns door opens, the curtains open to show a person in the window, the time is now night time and a shower of stars occur that we created using a for loop and our variables c,speed, and mouse = false . The cloud function draws our cloud into the sky using ellipses and a curved rectangle. We used variables b, speed, and mouse = false to be able to add animation to our cloud, now with this if statement, our cloud moves from left ot right across the sky. The grass function creates a green rectangle which makes the scene have grass in it. The Sun function uses ellipses to make the canvas have a sun. This function also has a if statement with the mouseIsPressed that turned the yellow ellipse into a black one to represent a moon. The Flower function draws flowers onto the grass, in this function we used a for loop to make a row of flowers. The cow function draws a small cute cow visible in the bottom left screen. The Bee function creates a bee out of ellipses that follows you around due to mouseX, we added an if statement that when the mouse is clicked the bee will turn into a bat to go with the night time theme. The Function head,body, and wheels creates the truck visible on the east side of the screen.

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